The first time I thought I could possibly be pregnant was a complete shock. I was almost in denial but some how I just knew that I was. I went out and bought a pack of pregnancy tests and they all ended up being negative. I'm sure at the time Steven probably thought I was nuts but about a week later (and 10 pregnancy tests later) we got a positive! We were so excited that we wanted to share the news with the world. And we did.
Well one day while at the store my stomach started to cramp and I felt a gush of blood. I called the doctor and she had me come in the following day for an ultrasound and to run blood work to check my HCG level. Unfortunately we were told that we had lost the baby but not to give up hope. She said that it might take a while for my body to bounce back from what she referred to as a "chemical pregnancy" but once I had at least one normal cycle we could try again.
Less than 4 weeks had went by and I started to fell pregnancy symptoms all over again. I asked Steven if he thought it was even possible for me to be pregnant again and we both came to the same conclusion, my body was just trying to adjust. Another week goes by and I can't help fight the feeling anymore that I am yet again pregnant even though I haven't had my period yet.
I couldn't believe it!
I sent Steven this picture along with a text that said "We're pregnant?" And yes I did send him a text with a question mark at the end because I honestly didn't know what the heck was going on! If you look again at the first picture the left line is no where near as dark when compared to the second picture. My first instinct was to google what it could mean and I found only one real possible answer. Im pregnant with really high HCG levels.
I called my doctor and her first was response was "well are you sure?" Well hell I don't know! Then she wanted to know if I had taken another pregnancy test and I told her yes that I got a positive one but I don't know if its right because I haven't had my period yet so I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. The following day I went in for MORE blood work (which by the way I HATE needles) and yet another ultrasound. And there she was...
Our sweet little baby :)
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